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Why BookingCentral is the Best Booking Platform for Boat and Watersport Rentals

Discover the features that BookingCentral offers to make it the best choice for boat and watersport rental operators.

Earn More Tips Using These Simple Strategies

Learn how you can increase your earning potential by following simple strategies to earn more gratuity for your excellent service.

How to Create Social Media Posts for your Rental Business

Learn how to create great social media posts for your rental business.

How to take Great Photos of your Rentals and Activities

Learn tips on how to take great photos of your rentals and activities

Presenting: The New Check In / Check Out

Learn how an efficient Check In / Check Out process leads to exceptional customer service, better reviews, more customers and increased revenue.

Grow your Bottom Line with Cancellation Fees

Learn the importance of including a cancellation fees with your polices and how they are useful to your business operations.

Success Spotlight: Sue & Morris McLachlan of Waskesiu Marina Adventure Centre

Waskesiu Marina Adventure Centre is a booming boat rental business with a ”mom and pop" vibe. Owners Sue and Morris McLachlan share how they do it.

Get More Bookings with one Key Feature

Learn how the Pre-Check In feature works for you by not delaying the booking process, and getting the important details after the booking is made.

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