e've all heard the adage, "A picture is worth a 1000 words." It really is a true statement. People are drawn to beautiful images of a sunset or a skyline because it can often stir up an emotion or a memory. This knowledge is important when running your business and deciding on the pictures to use not only for your website, but also your booking page.
When running a business for rentals or activities, having great images of your offerings displayed on your website could be the reason why a customer chooses to book with you. Great pictures is your chance to display what customers will be getting and doing when they visit you.
Not only that, if your pictures are taken with care, it will show a great deal of professionalism. People are choosing to spend their time and money with you, and displaying quality pictures during the booking process will give them the confidence that they are going to have a great experience.
So what is a great picture? According to SLR Lounge, "every image needs to have a purpose. The image should tell a story or capture a unique moment in a meaningful way." In your line of business, consider taking inspirational photos of your service in action, such as a group of boaters enjoying a day on the lake in your boat, a family enjoying the camp fire by the campsite, or a sunset fishing trip. These types of images will show the potential renter your equipment, site, or activity while also showcasing the experience they will have.

Now that you know why a great picture is important, how do you take one? Yes, you can hire a professional to take the photos for you. Keep in mind it's costly and possibly time consuming to ensure you get the right person who knows your business. Taking your own pictures is the most cost effective option as you would only need a camera or even just your phone. The great news is that the cameras on phones nowadays are actually really good, and take quality pictures when done correctly.
Follow a few simple guidelines below, and you'll be taking your own, awesome pictures. Paired with a great description of your offerings, and this will definitely level you above the competition.
Enable gridlines in your phone. A beginner photography concept, called the Rule of Thirds, states that an image should be broken down into thirds, both horizontally and vertically, so you have 9 parts. Taking the picture where the main image is on the gridlines will appease this rule and make for a more appealing picture.

Take candids. Candids are a great way to show your offerings in action. Folks enjoying themselves is always a great selling point for your rentals, sites or activities.

Take from interesting angles or perspectives. Showing your rentals in action is one thing, but displaying an image from a cool perspective shows the potential renter what the experience will be like.

Use Natural Light. Light in photography is one of the most important elements, without it there is no picture. Natural light is simply using sunlight (direct, filtered, or reflective) to help with a great photo. This is always a great option to capture that image that invokes a pleasant response. Determine the best time of day when you know the light is best, and use it to your advantage to get that perfect shot.

When you have a great booking system, like Booking Central, you'll be able to add all your awesome pictures to the system, so customers will be able to see the images during the booking process.
If you are not currently using Booking Central, but want to know more, reach out to our experts. We'd love to have you on board.