t BookingCentral, we know that your employees are just as important as your customers. And we pride ourselves in developing features that can delight both at the same time. Take our Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) feature as an example; a feature designed to make it easier and quicker for your employees to get customers on the water or on the road in no time.
Designed to be easily viewed on any device (laptop, desktop, phone, tablet, etc.), the CICO feature brings your employees through a step by step process, ensuring that important items are completed including:
- Emergency contact information collected
- Waivers signed
- Additional charges added
- Payments are processed
The Check In / Check Out screen in BookingCentral allows for all these items to be handled on the spot without a trip back to the office.
With an integrated texting platform and the ability to upload photos, your employees can handle nearly any situation. A customer wants to add an additional driver? No problem, just text the waivers to the new driver right from the CICO waiver tab. Documenting damage as a vehicle or vessel is returned? Just take a picture from your phone or tablet and upload directly on the order through the CICO photo upload page.

The strength of BookingCentral’s Check-In/Check-Out feature is that it keeps all the necessary information and updates at your employee’s fingertips. Your employees can quickly get customers on the water or out on the road at the beginning of their booking and just as swiftly check them back out when they return the vessel or vehicle.
Like the idea of a platform that is working just as hard as you are to keep both your employees and customers happy? Let us show you even more ways to drive business and growth through happy customers and employees. Contact us for a demo today!